SP2 for Cim50 v2018 is now available

Following on from this release, there is the useful New Features guide below, to show you what Cim50 is now capable of.

Getting the most from Cim50

This document is intended for you to use to understand what new features are in the latest release, how to configure them, and what they do. For more major releases, or releases where there is a significant change or new module or something along those lines, Cim will run WebEx training sessions to run through the new features with you, but hopefully, for the majority of releases, this document should give you all the info you need.

You can always contact us for advice on your Cim installation’s functions and features.

Need help with your software?

We can assist; we provide expert Sage support and training on all of the products we supply, by any of the following methods:

Contact the team at Red Business Systems to discuss your IT support needs